Strategic advocacy and policy consultancy. Secretariat to many sporting UK Parliament All-Party Groups.
Worked closely with national and international governing bodies, commercial rights holders, sponsors, manufactures, media and Parliamentarians to support respective sports at all levels.
Public Relations Consultants Association. Advisor/Counsel to CEO.
Commonwealth Communicators Association. CEO.
Independent Professionals and Self Employed. Member of the Governance Review and NED Nominations Committees; Council Member.
Cambridge Business School. Alumni Advisory Council Vice-Chair; Nominations Committee Chair.
Oxford Rugby League Football Club. Part owner of the professional club.
Head of department and Senior Management Team member of the professional body for Public Relations practitioners and holder of Royal Charter to create and enforce professional standards including degree accreditation, training and other lifelong learning, and building public confidence and understanding of PR.
National Endowment for Science, Technology & the Arts. Interim Head of Public Affairs.
Public Relations Consultants Association. Membership Consultant.
The Law Society. Public Affairs Advisor.
Public Chairs’ Forum. Consultant.
Hines UK. Government Relations Consultant.
Tata Consulting Group. Public Affairs Consultant.
Audi Design Foundation. Research Consultant.
Centre of Economics and Policy, University of Cambridge. Research Consultant.
Learning and Skills Council. Public Affairs Manager.
Royal Academy of Engineering. External Affairs Manager.
UK Parliament. Parliamentary Researcher.